Yesterday was our anniversary. We had an appointment for Callie to get her 2nd round of vaccinations in the morning that you can read about here. Since she was zonked out afterwards we decided to meet mom at Silver Mountain in Santa Cruz. It is pretty far but we're going to be taking Callie to San Diego next month so we figured it was time to get her used to long car rides. So off we went. She slept the whole way! She woke up a bit when we arrived but not much so we had a nice time with Grandma Tere and bought some wine. Afterwards we drove back home after I nursed her in the car and she slept pretty much the whole time back. She had a really rough time once the pain kicked in from the vaccines. Her screams almost broke me. It was the worst sound I have ever heard in my life. The scream of your child that is in so much pain and is so confused about it. And what can you do? Almost nothing. It was absolutely heartbreaking. We cried together as I rocked her to try to calm her down as much as possible. It worked off and on. And then she would wake up and start all over. Pretty soon it was time for us to get ready for our dinner plans. Bill had jokingly told me we were going to Taco Bell (he used to work there in highschool). I was so very close to telling Bill we couldn't possibly go with Callie like this. But we knew she was in good hands with Grandma Tere who had most likely seen worse with us! So we went to dinner after I got myself together. Bill drove us into the parking lot of Taco Bell and I was momentarily concerned! Then he kept going and then drove into the Home Depot : "Ya, we're gonna eat dinner at the hot dog stand outside Home Depot." To which I said "Because you just loooove hot dogs!" Of course we kept going. Pretty soon we were in Saratoga going to my favorite restaurant, La Fondue. I was still feeling a little uneasy about what Callie was going through and more importantly what my mom was going through! When we sat down I got a text from my mom saying that she had gotten down a couple of ounces and was doing better. And suddenly so was I! So we were able to relax and enjoy our dinner. And I finally got to have one of their delicious Pear Martinis. I hadn't had one since a nearly infamous birthday bash a couple of years ago. But that's another story entirely! There was a large family was crazy loud, like so loud that I practically had to shout my order to our waitress. Bill said to think of it as retribution for her obnoxious our group must have been during said birthday bash. Soon they left and all was quiet again. It was so nice to be able to have a long conversation not punctuated by screaming or feeding or diaper changes. Definitely nice to have a break. We skipped dessert, which is almost criminal at La Fondue, in order to get back home to our girl. And besides, we were stuffed! When we came home our girl was asleep! I couldn't believe it! Although it didn't last for long. Mom gave me the run down on the night's events. No fever but some pretty eventful vomiting. Poor Mom earned her Grandma stripes last night! Callie heard my voice and woke up. We stayed up with her and fed her a bit. She was still pretty awake but I was exhausted so we decided to try to put her down and amazingly it worked! So a pretty wacky anniversary but we took stock of how many changes have come our way in the last 5 years and we are so happy to share these new adventures together. Its funny to think that 5 years ago we were knee deep in flapper outfits, feather boas, art deco and finger weaves. Having kids wasn't on our radar at all, yet we were still surrounded by love and support. Here's to 5 years!

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