We were so pleased with how our first night of sleep training went the other day! Bill and I talked about it at length. We loved having her so close to us in the beginning and I honestly didn't know how I was going to feel about having her in another room, but it is so nice! It is nice to have our couple space again, to have one room that isn't totally overrun with Callie. And I think it must be easier for her to sleep in her own space where she doesn't hear the noise of us rolling over or the dog moving or whining or snoring. I'm pretty sure Milo is quite content to not have a screaming baby in the room as well! And being able to get the sleep we need is huge! Everyone's quality of life has improved. I am much less stressed out and am able to enjoy Callie more.
Night 2
I put her down a bit earlier, around 11 rather than 11:30. She had taken 2 naps during the day, each around 45 minutes to an hour. We did our normal routine, bath, hang out a bit, feed, go to sleep. She was konked out again after I fed her so I put her down in her crib. I assumed she would do the same thing she had done the night before, wake up after an hour. But no! She sleep 5 and a half hours straight! When she woke up I fed her and put her down again.
Night 3
During the day yesterday she took some much longer naps because we were in the car. We had spent the day in Half Moon Bay (I will do a blog post on Callie's blog for that one, it was a lovely day!). I wasn't feeling too confident because when we got home she was all cranky. We tried giving her some more squash, since we hadn't given her any solid food during the day and I thought maybe that was part of why she was sleeping so well. I don't know if she was just tired and wanted the easy meal (the boob) rather than messing with the squash or what. But I eventually just gave her the boob. Before we figured it out we thought there was something wrong with her. She was just screaming like she was in pain! Aftewards we did our bath and put her in the doorway jumper. She was so content! She jumped for close to an hour, squealing whenever the dog so much as moved.
In the middle of all of her contentment, Bill comes in the room exasperated and says "The dog is gone." What?! Our beagle Milo had gone exploring and we didn't have his collar on, because the noise of it wakes Callie up. Earlier in the day he had done the same thing and was in the neighbor's yard and couldn't figure out how to get back. I started clicking the leash and then he would start whining. So I did the same thing and sure enough he was in the neighbor's yard. Luckily they have a gate that is easy to open to get him out:)
Once everyone was back inside, Callie was starting to jump slower and slower and slower. Pretty soon, her head started tiling to one side. It was so cute! Since it was right around 11, I fed her a bit and while she was still awake I put her down, since I wanted her to be able to get to sleep on her own, not just when she is passed out from eating. She did a fair bit of complaining, not really screaming just babbling. I had set the 15 minute timer and it went off, but she wasn't yelling so we left her where she was. Then she started. She yelled for maybe 6 minutes of so and then fell asleep. We actually stayed up to watch her on the monitor. It was pretty humorous. Crazy girl was trying to rip the crib bumpers off! Good thing I tied them nice and tight. She is gonna be trouble when she can stand up. Bill went off to bed and I stayed up for a bit to see if she stayed asleep (and also because I can't stop playing Angry Birds. God damn that game is like crack! Sheesh). I went off to bed around 12:30 expecting that she would wake up for a feeding, but she didn't! We woke up around 8:45 and she was still sleeping! It was amazing!! I went in to see if she was awake and this is what I saw:
And that is certainly the most beautiful sight I could have possibly imagined.