We are kicking butt on the solids front. It was a REAL struggle at first. I was basically cramming food down her throat, until I decided to just stop and let her tell us when she was ready, because no one was happy. I was really frustrated and so was she. So on the day that I told myself I would just wait until she was ready, since she wasn't quite 6 months old anyway, she got ready! That night we were at Willow Glen Frozen Yogurt in Campbell escaping a particularly ugly Sharks game. Bill and I both were eating our frozen yogurt when she started following my spoon with her eyes and opening and closing her mouth like she wanted to eat! I obviously wasn't going to give her my yogurt, so we gave her the spoon to play with. She was really trying to eat, not just suck on the spoon. It was cutest thing, you could hear her two little teeth clicking against the underside of the spoon. So we hurried home and whipped up some rice cereal and she did amazingly! Its like zen and the art of parenting. Sometimes you just have to let someone else decide, sometimes the universe just knows what to do. We were practically squealing in the CG household we were so excited. For the rest of that week we did cereal and I noticed that if she just wasn't into it, sometimes if I just came back to it in 10-20 minutes it was a totally different story. After the cereal we did some pears and then some butternut squash. Now we are back to pears and I am hoping to whip up some sweet potatoes this week as well. We basically have it worked out now to feed her solid food when she wakes up from her late afternoon nap. There have been some other changes because of the solid food. Let's just say mama had to buy a candle for Callie's room:)
Let's see, what else...Halloween! We had a great time at the party. It was definitely more mellow than in previous years, but it was nice. We cleaned the house from top to bottom! Grandma Tere came over to watch Callie so we could get something done. We tried in the morning to just switch off, but at that rate we wouldn't have gotten much done! We decided as we cleaned each room to also organize and get things done that we had put off. This was mostly for the kitchen and Callie's room. Callie's room had piles of things we wanted to hang up and organize. We went through all of clothes and did a purge. We finally hung these adorable prints that Bill had ordered a while back.
It felt so good to get her room organized! The other room that was tough was the kitchen. For a couple of years we had a folding bookcase that we had used as a pantry. But there was a possibility that a few toddlers would be at the party so we wanted to have everything away, lest they discover a bag of rice to play with or something! So that took some doing, but the kitchen looks way better too. The party itself was really fun. It was nice to not cook 12 different things like I usually do. I did manage to make my veggie chili and I am glad I did too! We had leftovers for the next day or two. Sadly I didn't think to have someone take a picture of the three of us. Bill ressurected his Dude Costume, I went as dream sequence Maude and Callie was The Jesus. Pretty much everyone thought she was a pirate and I was just a viking/opera singer, but that's ok. We knew what we were! Callie was definitely perplexed by Bill's costume.
It was like she recognized his voice but knew he didn't look quite right.
Well that's it for now. I will try to blog more frequently. There is definitely a post swirling around in my head about going back to work.
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