Finally I gave up and we went to the coffee shop and then to music class. Her St. Paddy's dress was a huge hit!
Then it was off to meet Melissa and Baby A to see a movie, Rango where I spent most of the movie chasing Callie around the movie theater. Up the stairs, across the top row, down the stairs. Repeat.

Although, while we were in the top row I got some pretty funny pictures of her.

God, what is it with this woman and shoes?
You want me to what? Sit down and watch a movie? Pashaw!
Melissa and I had planned to grab lunch after the movie before my chiropractor appt. But when I went to change Miss C in the bathroom I noticed a gnarly rash. I wasn't huge (yet) but definitely something was wrong. So lunch was out. I wanted Callie to sleep if she was fighting something off. And you know what that means! Driving time! Since that is pretty much the only way she will sleep during the day. In the time it took for me to buckle her into the carseat and start the car she was dead asleep. So she got about an hour of sleep before my appointment. By that time her rash had basically exploded. It was now all over her stomach, her back, her neck and parts of her face. In the 15 minutes my appointment took, the bumps were now raised and there were bumps all over her head and around her eyes and nose. I was officially nervous.
So when I got in the car I called our pediatrician's office. I was about 30 minutes until they closed, but maybe I could at least talk to the advice nurse. I was concerned it was a food allergy but she hadn't eaten anything new. There were mangoes in the soup last night, which can be a common allergen, but she had eaten mangoes plenty of times, which is not to be confused with her actually liking them. In the morning we had shared a breakfast burrito that had scrambled eggs in it. But again, she had that plenty of times before as well. Of course, when I was on the phone they gave me the whole "Well, we don't recommend they eat eggs until they are one." Oh you mean in 4 weeks? But I knew eggs can be a very dangerous allergen so I opted to bring her in. Especially since they kept asking if she was having respitory problems or if she was wheezing or coughing. By this point she was very uncomfortable and trying to scratch her belly. They said if I could get there in half an hour we could see a doctor. Not a problem! Away we went. And proceeded to wait for 20 minutes in the exam room. Mmmhmm. When the doctor saw her she was expecting to see welts or hives, which you would find with common food allergies but what she saw resembled something more like roseola which can be icky in its own way. But she didn't have any other symptoms. Usually you see fevers and swollen lymph nodes and that sort of thing, which she didn't have. Roseola usually resolves itself in a couple of days but it can result in seizures and meningitus, which would obviously be incredibly dangerous in an infant. Since Callie didn't have any other symptoms, we figure we are pretty much in the clear. The doctor said we can use liquid zyrtec to manage the itching since it is an antihistimine that won't sedate her.
So off to Walgreens we went. Of course she fell asleep again from being so upset in the doctor's office, although she was pretty stoked to play with the tongue depressor. I let her nap a bit more in the car before going in the store. We got home and I finally got her settled down when I heard voices from the front yard. I thought it might be our next door neighbor with their new baby girl. So I opened the blinds and was quite surprised when I saw 6 dudes on my lawn! There was a black guy that was clearly being forced to sit down and 5 hispanic men hanging out smoking cigarettes. It definitely seemed odd. I wanted to walk outside and ask what the hell they were doing, but it was just me and Callie and it didn't seem safe or particularly smart. I thought about calling the police, but I wasn't totally sure of what was happening, plus Bill was due to be home in a few minutes. A few minutes later 2 police cars showed up and put the black guy in handcuffs on our lawn. He didn't resist at all, clearly he knew he was screwed. I overheard the cops ask the other guys "Do you want to press charges?" They replied with a big YES. They then said they would meet them back at the shop to talk about it, so I assumed this guy had stolen something from a shop on San Carlos and they had chased him down.
Now you would think if you arrested someone on someone else's property you might knock on the door and tell the homeowners what had just happened. But no. Oh well. I'm just thankful I didn't have to have an altercation with them and be worried about my baby inside. So that was our wacky day. I have never been so happy for it to be date night. Definitely needed a break tonight!
yeah, i'm going to have to agree with you on that being a VERY wacky day!!!