We held Callie's blessing ceremony today. I had been working on the ceremony for the past couple of weeks. We never seemed to have time to really work on it together, so we just went with what we had and Bill winged his parts, as usual:)
It was wonderful to be able to put into words what her birth and her presence has meant to me. Here are the words that I wrote:
Callie, the day you came into our lives was monumental. I wished for you without speaking. I needed you and I didn’t even know it. I didn’t know that someone so small could bring such great joy and happiness to our lives. It was with great pain and love we birthed you into the world. The moment I first saw you will be etched in my mind and my heart forever. Our eyes met and I knew you were mine and I was yours. Callie, you have taught me so much in just a few months. You have shown me the value of patience, something that I was never very good at before. You have taught me to live in the moment and relish the little victories when they come your way. When I was pregnant with you, i told Bill one day that I couldn’t imagine loving anything more than Milo. Sorry Milo! You have shown me that even though I thought I knew what love was, I really had no idea how incredible that can feel. I had no idea how much I could love. Sometimes I look at you and my heart feels like it will burst. And I know I would do anything to protect you from harm and hurt. You are the most amazing gift I have ever received. I am so thankful for you. You made us a family and for that I was always be indebtted to you.
I was so thankful to have everything written down on paper. I wouldn't have gotten through it without blubbering!
We also took a vow to help her become the woman she is meant to be, to be her guides, to teach her not who or what but how to love, respect and dream. Our chosen godparents also took a vow to help guide her.
The culmination of the ceremony were our guests' blessings and prayers for Callie. It was so incredible to have such a personal interaction. Some were funny, some were serious, but all were heartfelt. Some wished for her physical strength, to never feel weak. Others for a strong heart and balance. But most of what we heard and felt was love love love. I don't think I can really put it into words. We are just so blessed and happy to be surrounded with a beautifully supportive and loving extended family.
After everyone left and it was just the three of us again I was stuck with the idea that Callie would never remember this day, but I will never forget it. I thanked Bill for wanting a family, because otherwise I would never have gotten to feel this way. To feel so full. I wasn't sure I wanted children, but now I simply cannot imagine my world without her.
Maria, your words are beautiful and capture just perfectly what most every first-time mother feels. The love for a child is positively overwhelming and all-consuming. I only wish Jim and I lived closer so we could have been a part of what must have been an absolutely beautiful day celebrating your precious Callie! Many blessings from the Colorado Carter clan to the newly formed California Carter clan! Much love, Angela