So today everyone who came up to us while Callie was wearing this outfit assumed she was a boy. (On a side note: we got this onesie from a friend whose girls had outgrown it. I loved it because I actually have the exact same shirt, but no we were not wearing matching clothes, I'm not that kind of mom.)I was pretty surprised by the reaction. They all asked "How old is he?" They all felt pretty bad when I said "She is 10 weeks old."
I've always considered green and yellow as the gender neutral colors but apparently green has been claimed by the boys' side. I am certainly not going to be dressing her in pink every damn day! Then I discovered this article that was pretty interesting about the way parents act can affect gender ideals.
But, but, but, but -- it *is* a rather dark/camo shade of green :)
ReplyDeleteThat's an interesting article. Reminds me that I need to go get some Tonka toys for the girls. And tools. And coveralls...
That's what Bill said too:)
ReplyDeleteI almost bought her a blue onesie with orange whales on it (or maybe they were alligators, I don't remember) and the girl at Carter's kind of talked me out of it. It was on the boy side of the store.
ReplyDeleteI have had both twinkles dressed in pink and still get the "One boy one girl" comment. Babies just ;) Maia wore so much green I resorted to pink socks.
ReplyDeleteBut I have to say, right now my biggest gender based pet-peeve is moms who comment that I must have it easy because I have three girls--meaning girls are compliant and not as "wild" as having three boys would be. I always beg to differ. Kids is kids and I let my girls run like the mad women they are.
Great article, by the way. Thanks for sharing. (I would hope I could correctly estimate the angle my reckless girls could navigate).
Ive also gotten the "girls are so much easier than boys" comment. I don't understand that comment. Kids are tough, crazy and wonderful no matter what their gender is! Glad I'm not the only one irked by that type of stupid comment!