Bill's first beer of the trip. So hard to say no to such good/cheap wine!
It was raining off and on so we decided to make it a shopping day. We had heard that there were some great kids' stores in the area so that's what we did. We got her some socks since it was so cold and we really hadn't brought any. We also found some really cute stuffed animals. We thought it would be fun for her to have a pretty unique toy so we found this really cute stuffed animal that looks like a chicken super hero! On the back it says "Juliette la poulette marquee." And Callie looooves it!

Say Bon Jour to Juliette!
We also stopped in at a bakery. I got a pistachio macaroon and mom got a devilish chocolate eclaire. It was ridiculously good!
Callie is definitely eyeing my Pistache Macaron
We also stopped at Printemps which is a super crazy department store for people who have money to burn. Each section had 6 floors and they carried crazy brands like Burberry, Fendi, etc. Needless to say we didn't buy anything:) Before we left we wanted to change Callie so we asked where the bathroom was. They pointed the way, but when we got there we had to pay for it! And since we were changing her we got to deluxe room with changing pad. And for that pleasure we had to pay 3 euros! Oh well.
At this point was back was really hurting and everyone else wanted to sit for a while as well, so we found a table at Cafe de la Paix across from the Opera House.

Once again I opted for the soup and it was so-so.

Callie was more interested in the soup than I was!
I had to nurse Callie on the terrace with the nursing cover but she sure didn't make it easy. She kept trying to give everyone a free show of my boobs. Its nice that she likes them so much, but come on girl! So Bill helped by continuously re-covering me. After dinner we walked over to the Opera House to take pictures of my mom and the sock monkey.
Its a long story, but mom and her brother have a duel going on. They each take pictures of the sock monkey in different places and email them to each other. I'm pretty sure she wins with the sock monkey in France!
After that we walked home and painstakingly got Callie to sleep.
Today Bill had one of his two work days so it was just us girls! Poor Bill only got about 4 hours asleep when all was said and done. Today we were heading to Jardin du Luxembourg. We had read that it is Paris' most popular park and they had a lot of fun things for kids to do. We got an earlier start then yesterday but that isn't saying much:) We successfully navigated the bus system and made it to our destination.
Callie on the bus
The bus tickets are pretty funny. It costs 1.80 and it is good for as far as you can get in 90 minutes.

The gardens were gorgeous! Before we explored them we thought it best we stop for food first. There was a really cute cafe near the gardens so we sat down. It became clear there was only one poor soul for alllll the gazillion tables. They also had a Take Away Bar so mom went up to ask for 3 things: cafe au lait, club sandwich and some fries for her. Apparently that was too much, because that was exactly what the guy said to her! Then he told her to sit down and a waiter would come to us. Nice dude. We waited longer and finally the waiter did come our way. We tried to order the club sandwich but he said "No sandwiches today. Bread is bad today." Oooh kay. So Cafe Au lait. Mom tried to get a cappuccino but he said it was too busy for them to make a good one, so 2 cafe aulaits. It was so odd it was hilarious! So all day we kept saying "Bread bad today."
After we ate we explored the gardens.

Medici Fountain

It just went on and on! Callie got to see some ponies and a huge playground. We also stumbled onto a bocce ball court, although they called it croquet.
Mmmmhmmm. Whatever. There were no mallets.
We were about to leave when we were hit with a huge downpour! Everyone went running for cover under the gazebo, so there we all were Parisians and tourists alike all huddled together to wait out the storm.
Run for Cover!
View of Callie from above the stroller:)
Making fun out of being stuck in the rain
Finally it stopped and we went on our way. I had read online about a place nearby that was famous for their onion soup called Boullion Racine. So on we went to find it. We found it at last and guess what? They had no onion soup! Curses! So we had a nice glass of wine instead. We had passed by a cute spot called the Creperie Cafe so we went there. The waiter was hysterical. We was totally amazed by our gigantic stroller and sat us in the back so we would have plenty of room. Callie was starting to get grumpy so everytime the poor guy came up to her she started screaming. We got our crepes and drinks and after I finished I decided to go change her in the restroom downstairs. The downstairs was like a bomb shelter. Once I changed her I tried to open the door to no avail. We were locked in and no way to get out. It was pretty freaky. I knew I was so far downstairs that I couldn't really yell for help. As I was about to kick the shit out of the door I heard voices. A nice woman tried to get me out, but the lock was jammed. Enter nice/funny waiter guy. After a few minutes he was successful. The woman was so happy when it opened and even more relieved when she saw Callie. Who of course took one look at our waiter who had just rescued us and started screaming again! I have never seen her do this to anyone in particular before! We got cleaned up and left the cafe and she started in on the poor guy again! He yelled to us as we left "Tell her goodbye for me!" so she wouldn't start crying again.
We caught our bus back and headed back home. We had another long night with Miss Callie. She was all worked up.
You get a gold start for persistence with the soup thing.