I am definitely hitting a wall. I am really having trouble staying the course with nursing Callie. I am just so over it. I am so over being pulled on, bit, scratched and everything in between. She practically pulls my shirt off when she is hungry, and that is just sooo nice in public.
Every now and then I glance at my body in the mirror and I sink just a little. I am covered with blood blisters from being pinched and grabbed. There are scratches all over my neck and face. My stretch marks haven't faded much and I just have an overwhelming feeling of wanting my body back. Its been 18 months since my body was really my own.
I know that breastfeeding is the best gift I can give Callie, but sometimes it just plain sucks. Everytime I go into buy buy baby or the grocery store I think about buying formula, but I never do. Guilt guilt guilt. I just can't win! Either I am totally exhausted by being a 24 hour buffet or I'm a lazy mom. Ugh. I know there are plenty of happy, healthy formula fed babies, Christ, both Bill and I were formula fed. But something just won't let me. I know it doesn't help that all she wants to do is nurse these days. I think we have a tooth coming. Which of course makes the nighttime rituals a little tougher as well.
In some ways, breastfeeding is very inhibitive. Bill is going to be going on a long weekend bachelor party (that is SOOO another blog post in itself!) in a couple of months and when he first brought it up, I thought to myself "When do I get to go away for a long weekend or even a night out with the girls or by myself? Then I immediately thought of what a giant pain in the ass it would be to pump enough milk to cover that kind of time. And went, oh forget it." In fact, the thought process went so fast, I didn't even verbalize any of it!
Just needed a rant...Maybe I will start pumping more and have Daddio feed her more. Cuz Mama is tired of being a piece of meat.
Mamas, how do you keep the faith?