Friday, May 27, 2011

Going back

I found out last week that I got my 1 section of US History for next year. I am beyond excited! I think it will be the perfect balance. I will still get to be with Callie for most of the day and then teach 1 class during 6th period (1-2pm on most days), stay during 7th to grade papers and meet with kids and then go home. I won't have to work at all on Tuesdays.  I think it will be a nice break without being too overwhelming. I talked to my principal about the specifics the other day and found out I wouldn't have to be there for early wednesday morning collaborations and I would be sharing a classroom with my previous (and brief) student teacher and friend who usually coaches 6th and 7th period anyway. It was perfect! I know that it won't be perfect all the time, but I am excited to have something else in my day. I will get to reconnect to my love of history and teaching. I have definitely missed connecting to my students and my friends at work.
I only told work that I was interested after my mom decided to open an at home day care business. It was a total game changer for me. Here is someone that I trust COMPLETELY and without reservation with my daughter. I don't have to worry that she will be in unfamiliar surroundings or with strangers.
Here is her website if you are interested or if you have friends or family that are looking for childcare or tutoring services.


  1. So excited for you! I heartily applaud you spending this year with Callie because being a stay-at-home mom is a job in itself! I think you will really love being back at work. I felt like when I became a mom, I discovered this unknown side of myself. Going back to work helped me reconnect with the person I was before, and now there is a great blend of the two.

    School's out in a few weeks, and I'd love to see you and little Miss. I'll send you a text or something soon so we can meet up and catch up!


  2. That's awesome. I'm glad you're getting this opportunity! Thanks be to grandma, huh?
