Callie is all about mixed messages these days. Like this afternoon. I got back from my mom's group and an errand and then the screaming begins. I let her cry a bit on her own because it seemed like she might be tired. I don't know why I try that from time to time. It NEVER works. She is not the kid that will cry for a few minutes and give up and take a nap. Ooooh no. She takes it as a personal challenge to cry as long as possible. So I go in to our room, take her out of the co-sleeper and try to feed her because she is rooting. I try to feed her, no go. Still screaming. Until I put the pacifier in her mouth and she falls asleep. And not just falls asleep, but falls asleep in the most adorable way possible. Curled up against my body with her legs against my stomach, her head on my chest, her tiny fingers on my hand and her hand firmly around the straps of my nursing bra, as if to say "I may not need to eat now, but don't go far. I'm gonna need those boobs later." And in those moments of peace, I feel like the luckiest gal on the planet.
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