Tuesday, August 3, 2010

World Breastfeeding Week

This week is the World Health Organization's Celebration of Breastfeeding. In honor of that, I thought I would post about it. When I think back on our breastfeeding relationship I feel incredibly blessed. I was so worried that my milk wouldn't come in and I wouldn't be able to breastfeed Callie. There was definitely a lot of pressure and guilt I put on myself. I know that the only reason I was able to be so successful with this is because of the support I had around me. There was a wonderful lactation consultant that came to our room in the hospital, a caring nurse named Farida that made it possible. Even before I had Callie a very good friend told me in an email "Don't give up on breastfeeding. It is really hard but it is so worth it." Thank you Seeta. I remembered your words so often when I felt there must be something wrong with me that it wasn't coming naturally. But most of all to my mom and my husband. They were right there that first night when it just wasn't happening and gave me the most amazing support. My mom gave me huge hugs and told me how good we were doing. Bill kept me going. He wouldn't let me give up. We knew it was the best thing we could do for our daughter. In the begining it was tough, physically and mentally. Oh how lanolin was my best friend! I remember looking at Callie's mouth and thinking "Oh man here we go again." I was totally intimidated every time she started crying because I knew she was most likely hungry. But now our feeding sessions are some of my favorite times in the day. It is an amazing bonding time.
I have been asked pretty frequently how long I intend to breastfeed. And to honest, I hadn't given it much thought. Probably because I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to do it at all. I know that the benefits of

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